Principal Grassa’s Pawprints 9/22/19
Family Open House: Thursday, September 26th
Our Open House for all families will take place on Thursday, September 26th from 5–7pm. We hope all families can come out, meet the teachers, and hear about what your child will learn this year!
Parking for Family Drop Off or Pick Up
Please note that parking can be more difficult at drop off and pick up times. Parking lots are for staff and our buses line up along the school side of the street on Pershing Road and Centre Street. It helps arrival/dismissal move more efficiently when families adhere to these parking procedures. Thank you!
Curley Fall Fling Raffle
It’s Raffle time! The Fall Fling Raffle can raise over $12,000 for our school—but, we need your help to make this happen. You can support the raffle by:
- Attending the prep meeting this Monday! 9/23 at 3:10 by the playground (NOTE this is an updated date and time). We will be sorting tickets, making signs, and having fun.
- Sign up to sell tickets at Open Studios 9/28 or 9/29 – click here. We need your help on Saturday afternoon!
- And, of course, buy/sell tickets when they come home in your child’s backpack!
If you have any questions or would like to get involved email Megan (
And be sure to save the date for the big event on your calendars: Friday, October 18th from 5:30-8:00pm.
Thanks + Kickball Court Cleanup: Sunday, October 6th
Thank you to all who participated in Sunday morning’s cleanup of the Outdoor Classroom! We filled 47 bags with yard waste, ate pizza, and met more members of the Curley community. Check out the before and after pictures below.
Before After
Join the Schoolyard Improvement Committee on Sunday, October 6, anytime between 10am-12noon, to rake leaves on the kickball court. 30 minutes of your time and effort makes a HUGE difference!
Pizza lunch provided at 12 noon. Let the kids play together on the playground (supervision will be provided) while we beautify the school together. Tools and gloves provided. Kickball game at 12:30.
Please sign up to volunteer for a brief leadership slot: https://www.wejoinin.m/sheets/fycyf To help out in general, please just show up whenever you can! All are welcome.
Contact Rebecca Cline (2nd grade parent) with questions:
Thank you again for all your hard work!
School Site Council: Tuesday, October 8th
Please join us for our first School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Tuesday, October 8th from 5:30-7:00pm in Room 209. All families are welcome to attend.
Principal Breakfast: Friday, October 11th
Please join us for our first Principal Breakfast of the year on Friday, October 11th from 8:45-9:45am. Families can sign in at the main office starting at 8:40am and we will meet in the CASP Office (ground floor Upper School). We will have time to chat with Principal Grassa and we will offer tours of the building for families. All families are welcome to attend.
Guide to BPS
New this year, the Boston Public Schools is encouraging families to view the annual “Guide to the Boston Public Schools” and fill out the necessary back-to- school forms by accessing the BPS website at
The Guide is available in English and nine other languages. This helpful guidebook contains summaries of many of the district’s policies, programs, and services.
A separate booklet contains forms that need to be completed by parents, or students 18 or over. The online form is available at
We encourage you to go online to complete the form for each of your children as soon as possible. A limited number of the printed guides, as well as booklets containing the forms, will be available at our school office for the families of students who are new to the district or do not have access to the Internet. We thank you for your cooperation.
A Note from the Curley Nurses
- Please submit in your child’s submit most recent physicals, immunization forms and emergency forms.
- If your child requires medication to be administered at school like an EpiPen for allergies or inhaler for asthma, please bring in the medications with doctor’s orders. Without a doctor’s order we cannot give any medications at school.
- An adult is required to bring medication into the school not a student, as a safety precaution. Medications with the exception of emergency medications are only to administered by a nurse. If families have any questions or concerns, please contact the nurses or administrative staff.
- Starting Monday September 17th to 21st, eye and ear screenings will take place for students Grades 1 thru 5.
For more information you can email our nurses April and Keilah at and
Curley Ambassadors of Dance (CAD)
For ten years, Curley Ambassadors of Dance (CAD) has:
- reached approximately 300 students grades 2nd – 6th
- rehearsed more than 400 hours
- performed on more than ten different stages
- created 30+ performances in and around community
- showcased 1st Choreography Performance-by students for students in 2013
Curley Ambassadors of Dance is a FREE PROGRAM for serious dance students, eager to work on creative projects and performances.
In 2019-20 CAD will be divided into age appropriate groups: Grades 2-5 (CAD1) will meet on Thursdays and Middle School (CAD2) will meet on Wednesdays.
If your child is interested in participating in this year’s musical, or CAD1 or CAD2 , you can register them by clicking the appropriate hyperlink. If you are a parent interested in our musical working group please email Ms. Knight.
Social Media
For up to date information about the Curley K-8 School please sign up for email alerts by joining the Mailing List. You can also follow Principal Grassa on Twitter @principalgrassa and be sure to always use the hashtag #curleycares when sharing/posting/tweeting information about our school.Toggle panel: Settings