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Paw Prints – November 1

Alumni Update: Shout out to Ivan Arias, Curley Alumni, on his commitment to Vanderbilt University! His message about his commitment to athletics and academics is inspiring! We wish Ivan all the success in his new adventures! Kudos to all Curley staff who supported him during his years at our school! 

Parent Council Elections: On Wednesday, October 28, we hosted parent council elections and we had many Curley families who expressed their interest in taking a leadership role as a council member. We nearly filled every seat!! To learn more about our council members or to reach them directly visit here.

Daylight Saving Time: Get ready to “fall back.” Sunday, November 1, is the official day to turn clocks back an hour. At 2 a.m the time will go back to 1 a.m.

School Preview: It’s that time of the year again when we begin to plan our school preview days. Our Family Liaison is recruiting parents who would be interested in talking about their experiences at the Curley with the hopes of inspiring some new families to join our community. We would love your support! Please reach out to Manny at if you have any questions or would like to get involved. The school preview dates are below.

December 1, 2020 9-10am

December 18, 2020 9-10am

January 20, 2021  9-10am

Katie Grassa’s Reflections on the Exam School Changes: Wednesday night was a historic moment for Boston Public Schools. It was unanimously voted at the Boston School Committee to suspend the test for exam schools for 1 school year. This plan is not perfect but it is a step in the right direction to offer opportunities and access to students in new ways. As a member of this working group, I participated in the School Committee until 2am Thursday morning and listened to over 185 community members share their thoughts and feelings. There were reactions on both sides of this proposal and some great ideas shared for how we can continue to move towards being an antiracist school district. It was an emotional meeting but an important moment for our City.

The most inspirational part of the evening was when Tanisha Sullivan, President of the Boston Chapter of the NAACP, shared her personal experiences with BPS as well as read a letter of support written by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. This summer Curley staff read, How to be an Antiracist by Dr. Kendi and we continue to reflect on our policies, instruction and interactions with families. I wanted to share his words with you and encourage you all to read the attached letter. Dr. Kendi shared his support for the proposal and continues to push us as a community to create antiracist policies.

I know many of you have questions about this policy and the specifics regarding exam school entrance. BPS Communications Office is working on distributing this as soon as possible to all staff and families. Thank you for your patience and I hope you are as moved by Dr. Kendi’s message as I was.

Dr. Kendi’s Letter

 School Site Council (SSC): Our first SSC meeting this year will be on Tuesday, November 17, 5:30 p.m – 7:00 p.m. All families are welcome to attend. More information on how to access the online meeting coming soon.

Health and Safety: We recently updated our website with health and safety protocol related information. Please find important COVID-19 information in both English and Spanish  here.  

Internet Supports: Comcast Internet Essentials – This is the BEST option for those who are eligible. Please have families apply for the free 60 days while we wait for the vouchers to come in. Here are a few tips:

  • Households are eligible for this program if they:
    • Qualify for programs like the National School Lunch Program, housing assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, SSI, and others.
    • Live in an area where Comcast Internet service is available
    • Have not had Comcast Internet in the last 90 days
    • Households who owe money to Comcast may still qualify if approved by 12/31/20
  • Be sure to call the correct phone number (see below). DO NOT call the regular service line. 
  • The language of the application can be changed. There is a link to change the language on the top right side of the application.
  • Amnesty for bad debt/past debt forgiveness is in place through 12/31.
  • Families should elect to get the self-install kit first. If they ask for a technician to come and install, they will be charged an installation fee. However, if they call after they’ve received the self-install kit, they will send a technician at no charge.

Remote Learning and Reopening: As of October 22, 2020 BPS has moved to full remote learning. For more information on the reopening plan please visit the BPS Reopening Plan Page

Updated Contact Information: It is imperative that the school has your correct and up to date contact information. 

  • The BPS Family Guide including media release can be found at
  • The parent & student agreement form including media can be filled out online at BPS Emergency Contact. You can also update your emergency contact information here.  Again correct contact information will be essential during this time. 

Who should I contact: If you have questions and you are not sure who to contact please use the chart below to support you.

Classroom related questionsClassroom teachers: (Contact information can be found at
K-2 SupportDawn Durant or Cristina Silva 
Grades 3-5 SupportDavid Diaz or Justina Levey 
Grades 6-8 SupportAdrian Ward-Jackson  or Sugeily Santos 
Health QuestionsKeilah Santana ksantana@bostonpublicschools.orgApril Pumphret 
Curley K-8 School Parent Council & Family LiaisonManny Hernandez
Technology Related QuestionsBPS Helpline 617-635-8873 – Please have families call the BPS Family helpline Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm for questions about technology and other resources available to BPS families.Help is available in Arabic, Cape Verdean Creole, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Urgent Priority QuestionsPrincipal  Katie Grassa 

Social Media: For up to date information about the Curley K-8 School please sign up for email alerts by joining the Mailing List. You can also follow Principal Grassa on Twitter @principalgrassa and be sure to always use the hashtag #curleycares when sharing/posting/tweeting information about our school.

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