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Paw Prints: 1/26/2025 (26 de enero de 2025)

This issue is bilingual in English and Spanish.


Upcoming Events/Próximos Eventos

  • January 27th/28th: Mobil Dentist
  • January 29th: Art Committee Meeting at 8 am
  • January 31st: Curley Shares Award
  • February 11th: School Site Council
  • February12: School Parent Council (in person)

​School News and Updates

Parent-Teacher Conferences – Be on the Lookout!Dear Curley Families,Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place from November 18, 2024, to January 31, 2025. During this time, teachers will be reaching out to schedule meetings with families. Please be on the lookout for communication from your child’s teacher to set up a convenient time.

Message from our Nurses:As we navigate through respiratory viruses such as COVID-19, influenza (flu), RSV, and other common infections, we want to ensure that you have the necessary information to protect your childs health and that of our school community. Please view the attached document that overviews our Home Health Checklist 


Mobil Dentist @ the Curley​

Dear Families,

We are excited to inform you that a mobile dental clinic will be visiting Curley School on January 27th and 28th. This is a convenient opportunity for students to receive dental care on-site.

Today, you will find paper consent forms in your child’s homeroom mailbox. The forms will be sent home, and please return them to your child’s homeroom teacher.

For added convenience, you can also enroll your child online by visiting the following website:



Curley – Special Olympics National Banner Status

Curley K-8 has been awarded National Banner Status by the Special Olympics for our outstanding work in inclusive sports, arts, and student leadership!

The student presentations at the ceremony were truly inspiring. Our 5th-grade performance of “Waving Flags” was a highlight, and our K-2 students added energy by cheering on athletes in the parade. Special thanks to Derrick White from the Boston Celtics for joining us and to Lumene Montissol, Special Olympics Gold Medalist, for sharing her powerful journey.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this day unforgettable. We are incredibly proud of the work we’ve done together, and the impact of our efforts extends far beyond Curley K-8!

School Store is now LIVE

We are thrilled to welcome back THE SCHOOL STORE for our students in grades 3-8. This store rewards students for following school expectations. The school store will open on Wednesday, October 16th, and continue on Wednesdays for all grades. 

If you wish to make donations to the school store, you can use the following links.

Amazon Wish List

donors. choose link


​Virtual BPS Pathways Exploration
session for families and students grades 6 through 9​Looking to find a secondary school that has programs aligned with your interests andgoals? Learn more about available pathways across BPS and get your questions answered!/ Exploración Virtual de Caminos BPS
Sesión para familias y estudiantes de los grados 6 al 9
¿Buscas encontrar una escuela secundaria que tenga programas alineados con tus intereses y metas? ¡Aprende más sobre los caminos disponibles en BPS y resuelve tus preguntas!

Date:  Monday, 1/27/25
Time: 6:30-7:30 PM
Location: Online – Zoom
Flyer English/Spanish:
Zoom Registration Link:

Resume Building Workshop

Family Aid is pleased to offer a resume-building workshop for families experiencing homelessness. This workshop will take place in the School Committee Room at the Bolling Building on January 27th from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. While the presentation will be conducted in English, interpreters will be available on-site to assist families.

Registration is required to attend the workshop. For additional information, please see the attached.

While we’re prioritizing families experiencing homelessness, we’re also open to welcoming any BPS family who is looking for some help with their resume. Thank you so much for your partnership and support in this effort!”/ La Oficina de Ayuda Familiar se complace en ofrecer un taller para la creación de currículums dirigido a familias que están experimentando falta de vivienda. Este taller se llevará a cabo en la Sala del Comité Escolar en el Edificio Bolling el 27 de enero de 10:30 AM a 12:00 PM. Aunque la presentación se realizará en inglés, habrá intérpretes disponibles en el lugar para asistir a las familias.

Se requiere registro para asistir al taller. Para más información, por favor consulte el archivo adjunto.

Aunque estamos priorizando a las familias que experimentan falta de vivienda, también estamos abiertos a dar la bienvenida a cualquier familia de BPS que necesite ayuda con su currículum. ¡Muchas gracias por su colaboración y apoyo en este esfuerzo!

When: Monday, January 27th, 2025

Registration: here 

Flier: FamilyAid Resume Workshop.pdf

Boston Saves​

K2-5th Grade Parents! Your child has $50 in a savings account for college or career training! You can take simple steps to earn an additional $700 depending on when you start. Your Boston Saves Curley Champion is K2/3rd Grade Dad, Adam Grenier ( Contact Adam and/or read the attached Info Sheet for more details. Materials are available in 12 languages and can be provided upon request.  


  • 30-minute lessons are offered Saturday mornings, January 4-February 22
  • 8 lessons total
  • $100 season cost – full scholarships available upon request
  • Skate rental during lessons included in cost – no additional equipment required
  • US Figure Skating Association accredited program
  • Online registration opens December 1 @ 7am

Beyond the skate lessons, $5 skate rentals are available throughout the season at the Kelly Rink. The Kelly Rink is an open-air free public rink operated by the DCR, open typically December-March (weather permitting). //


  • Se ofrecen clases de 30 minutos los sábados por la mañana, del 4 de enero al 22 de febrero.
  • 8 clases en total
  • Costo de la temporada: $100 – becas completas disponibles bajo solicitud.
  • El alquiler de patines durante las clases está incluido en el costo – no se requiere equipo adicional.
  • Programa acreditado por la US Figure Skating Association.
  • La inscripción en línea abre el 1 de diciembre a las 7:00 a.m.

Además de las clases de patinaje, se pueden alquilar patines por $5 durante toda la temporada en el Kelly Rink. El Kelly Rink es una pista de patinaje pública al aire libre operada por el DCR, abierta generalmente de diciembre a marzo (dependiendo del clima).

Job Opportunity: Cafeteria Manager at Curley​

Curley is looking for a Cafeteria Manager! If you are interested or know someone who might be, please take a look at the job description and flyer for more details.

Thank you for spreading the word!

MBTA Reduced Fare Program

MBTA’s income-eligible reduced fare program offers reduced fares to riders between the ages of 18 and 64 who are enrolled in an approved state assistance program.

Income-eligible CharlieCards can be loaded with:

  • Cash value for roughly 50% reduced one-way fares
  • $10 7-Day LinkPasses
  • $30 monthly LinkPasses

Your card can also be used to purchase reduced one-way fares and monthly passes for Commuter Rail, Ferry, and Express Bus. For more information, visit MBTA Reduced-Fare Program./

El programa de tarifas reducidas para personas con ingresos elegibles de la MBTA ofrece tarifas reducidas a los pasajeros de entre 18 y 64 años que están inscritos en un programa de asistencia estatal aprobado.

Las CharlieCards elegibles por ingresos se pueden cargar con:

  • Valor en efectivo para tarifas de un solo viaje reducidas en aproximadamente un 50%
  • Pases de enlace de 7 días por $10
  • Pases de enlace mensuales por $30

Su tarjeta también se puede utilizar para comprar tarifas de un solo viaje y pases mensuales reducidos para el tren commuter, ferry y autobús expreso. Para más información, visite el Programa de Tarifas Reducidas de la MBTA.

Created by Curley Parent- Nayomi D.

Welcome to BPS Meeting

BPS SUNDAYS ADMISSION/Admisión gratuita todos los domingos

  • On the first and second Sunday of each month from now to December 2026, the amazing cultural institutions listed below will be free of charge for BPS students and up to three family members!/El primer y segundo domingo de cada mes desde febrero hasta agosto de 2024 las instituciones culturales que aparecen en la lista permitirán la entrada gratuita a los estudiantes de BPS con un máximo de 3 miembros de familiar!
  1. The Boston Children’s Museum
  2. The Institute of Contemporary Art
  3. The Museum of Fine Arts
  4. Museum of Science
  5. The New England Aquarium
  6. The Franklin Park Zoo

Please visit the website for more information:


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