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Paw Prints: 2/23/2025 (23 de febrero de 2025)

This issue is bilingual in English and Spanish.


Upcoming Events/Próximos Eventos

  • February 24th: Students Return to School
  • February 25th: School Leader Screening Committee Election @ 5:30
  • February 27th: Movie and Date Night – Canceled
  • February 28th: Curley Shares
  • March 7th: Black History Month Show

​School News and Updates​

Important Message from Principal Grassa
Curley K-8 Families,

We want to inform you that Curley K-8 and Boston Public Schools (BPS) stand by their commitment, as supported by the Constitution, to provide every student residing in the City of Boston the right to the same free public education as their peers, regardless of a student’s race, ethnicity, or immigration status. BPS is also committed to ensuring that all schools are safe and welcoming places where students can learn and grow.Additionally, Curley K-8 and BPS cannot require or ask students or caregivers for information regarding their immigration status or citizenship. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), BPS cannot share personally identifiable student information with law enforcement or federal immigration enforcement agencies without a court order or lawfully issued subpoena. If you or your family need support in navigating any possible changes during this time, please contact our
Family Liaison, Yamile Hernandez, or 857-269-7296.

Additionally, we will have resource packets available in the Upper School main office. No questions asked—simply ask for a “red card,” and we will provide you with a packet of resources. If you would like resources sent home with your child, please also contact Yamile Hernandez. Curley K-8 is and will continue to be a caring and inclusive community. We are here to support you.Sincerely,Katie GrassaPrincipalCurley K-8 School/ Familias de Curley K-8,
Queremos informarles que Curley K-8 y las Escuelas Públicas de Boston (BPS) mantienen su compromiso, como lo establece la Constitución, de proporcionar a cada estudiante que resida en la Ciudad de Boston el derecho a la misma educación pública gratuita que sus compañeros, sin importar la raza, etnia o estatus migratorio de los estudiantes. BPS también está comprometido a garantizar que todas las escuelas sean lugares seguros y acogedores donde los estudiantes puedan aprender y crecer. Además, Curley K-8 y BPS no pueden requerir ni pedir a los estudiantes ni a los cuidadores información sobre su estatus migratorio o ciudadanía. Bajo la Ley de Derechos Educativos y Privacidad Familiar (FERPA), BPS no puede compartir información identificable personalmente de los estudiantes con las autoridades de la ley o agencias federales de inmigración sin una orden judicial o una citación legalmente emitida. Si usted o su familia necesitan apoyo para navegar cualquier posible cambio durante este tiempo, por favor contacten a nuestra Enlace Familiar, Yamile Hernández, o al 857-269-7296.
Además, tendremos paquetes de recursos disponibles en la oficina principal de la escuela secundaria. No se harán preguntas; simplemente pidan una “tarjeta roja”, y les proporcionaremos un paquete de recursos. Si desean que los recursos sean enviados a casa con su hijo, también contacten a Yamile Hernández. Curley K-8 es y continuará siendo una comunidad inclusiva y solidaria. Estamos aquí para apoyarlos.
Katie Grassa

Message from our Nurses:As we navigate through respiratory viruses such as COVID-19, influenza (flu), RSV, and other common infections, we want to ensure that you have the necessary information to protect your childs health and that of our school community. Please view the attached document that overviews our Home Health Checklist / Mensaje de nuestras Enfermeras:
Mientras navegamos por virus respiratorios como COVID-19, influenza (gripe), RSV y otras infecciones comunes, queremos asegurarnos de que tengan la información necesaria para proteger la salud de su hijo y la de nuestra comunidad escolar. Por favor, consulten el documento adjunto que detalla nuestra Lista de Verificación de Salud en Casa.


We will hold our Community Meeting for the Principal Screening Election on Zoom on Tuesday, February 25th, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. 

The discussion may well affect your child’s education, and we want all Curley families to know they are welcome to provide input into the screening process. 

Are you interested in joining the committee?
You must attend the meeting on Tuesday, February 25th.
To nominate yourself: On the day of the meeting, you’ll present your name, how many children you have at the school, how long you’ve been at Curley, and why you’re interested in joining.
The School Site Council will then vote.

What does the commitment look like?
Participate in an orientation.
Be available for at least 5 meetings
Be part of interviews
Offer recommendations

Meeting Details:
Tuesday, February 25th l 6:00– 7 PM
Via zoom link


Please support our amazing Curley community!




Celebrate PTO Apprecation month at Mathnasium when you can!

There’s still a few weeks left in PTO apprecation month! For every Curley student who enrolls at Mathnasium in February, we will donate $100 to the PTO as a way to show our appreciation for all the incredible work they do to support the school and community. This initiative is a wonderful opportunity to support the PTO while also helping your student thrive during math.

The first step is a free evaluation to determine how your student compares to grade level:

Sign up before the month ends at


​Learning from Local Leaders: E-13 Teaches Safety to First Graders​E-13, thank you for visiting the school to read to our students and teach them about safety! Our first graders had a blast learning about the leaders in their community!/ Aprendiendo de Líderes Locales: E-13 Enseña Seguridad a los Estudiantes de Primer Grado
¡E-13, gracias por visitar la escuela para leer a nuestros estudiantes y enseñarles sobre seguridad! ¡Nuestros estudiantes de primer grado se divirtieron mucho aprendiendo sobre los líderes de su comunidad!
World Read Aloud Day at the Shubert Theatre​

An incredible field trip to the Shubert Theatre for World Read Aloud Day! Author and illustrators Peter and Paul Reynolds read their book aloud, followed by an interactive presentation where the story came to life on stage! All students from K0 to grade 4 attended./ ¡Una increíble excursión al Teatro Shubert para el Día Mundial de la Lectura en Voz Alta! Los autores e ilustradores Peter y Paul Reynolds leyeron su libro en voz alta, seguido de una presentación interactiva donde la historia cobró vida en el escenario. ¡Todos los estudiantes desde K0 hasta el grado 4 asistieron!



School Store is Now LIVE

We are thrilled to welcome back THE SCHOOL STORE for our students in grades 3-8, which rewards students for following school expectations. The school store will open on Wednesday, October 16th, and continue on Wednesdays for all grades. / ¡Estamos emocionados de dar la bienvenida nuevamente a LA TIENDA ESCOLAR para nuestros estudiantes de los grados 3-8, la cual recompensa a los estudiantes por seguir las expectativas de la escuela! La tienda escolar abrirá el miércoles 16 de octubre y continuará abriendo los miércoles para todos los grados.

If you wish to make donations to the school store you can use the following links
Amazon Wish List
donors. choose link


Boston Saves​

K2-5th Grade Parents! Your child has $50 in a savings account for college or career training! You can take simple steps to earn an additional $700 depending on when you start. Your Boston Saves Curley Champion is K2/3rd Grade Dad, Adam Grenier ( Contact Adam and/or read the attached Info Sheet for more details. Materials are available in 12 languages and can be provided upon request.  

MBTA Reduced Fare Program

MBTA’s income-eligible reduced fare program offers reduced fares to riders between the ages of 18 and 64 who are enrolled in an approved state assistance program.

Income-eligible CharlieCards can be loaded with:

  • Cash value for roughly 50% reduced one-way fares
  • $10 7-Day LinkPasses
  • $30 monthly LinkPasses

Your card can also be used to purchase reduced one-way fares and monthly passes for Commuter Rail, Ferry, and Express Bus. For more information, visit MBTA Reduced-Fare Program./

El programa de tarifas reducidas para personas con ingresos elegibles de la MBTA ofrece tarifas reducidas a los pasajeros de entre 18 y 64 años que están inscritos en un programa de asistencia estatal aprobado.

Las CharlieCards elegibles por ingresos se pueden cargar con:

  • Valor en efectivo para tarifas de un solo viaje reducidas en aproximadamente un 50%
  • Pases de enlace de 7 días por $10
  • Pases de enlace mensuales por $30

Su tarjeta también se puede utilizar para comprar tarifas de un solo viaje y pases mensuales reducidos para el tren commuter, ferry y autobús expreso. Para más información, visite el Programa de Tarifas Reducidas de la MBTA.

BPS SUNDAYS ADMISSION/Admisión gratuita todos los domingos

  • On the first and second Sunday of each month from now to December 2026, the amazing cultural institutions listed below will be free of charge for BPS students and up to three family members!/El primer y segundo domingo de cada mes desde febrero hasta agosto de 2024 las instituciones culturales que aparecen en la lista permitirán la entrada gratuita a los estudiantes de BPS con un máximo de 3 miembros de familiar!
  1. The Boston Children’s Museum
  2. The Institute of Contemporary Art
  3. The Museum of Fine Arts
  4. Museum of Science
  5. The New England Aquarium
  6. The Franklin Park Zoo

Please visit the website for more information:




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