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Community Initiatives

The Curley K-8 has been fortunate to have an amazing community of family, friends, businesses, and foundations who have partnered with us to bring the resources we’ve needed to address our students’ needs. Is there an initiative you would like to help organize? Share your ideas with the SPC!

Library Initiative (2016–2018 | $100,000)

With a campaign launch in fall of 2016, Curley parents led the charge to restore and rehabilitate the school’s library. The renovated space will serve all grades in what was formerly the upper school library, a beautiful room with wooden bookshelves built in 1932. Our vision for a new, modern library including electronic resources and the appropriate technology to support online research has been realized! Print books will continue to be the core of the library, and the collection will reflect both the school’s curriculum and the personal reading interests of our students. All materials have been cataloged in an online library automation system, and we celebrated the grant opening with a ribbon-cutting with Mayor Marty Walsh in September 2018. To learn more visit:

Playing Field Initiative (2013–2014 | $300,000+)

What started as a dream – raise enough funds in one year to transform a 14,000 square foot broken up, unsafe asphalt lot into a safe, outdoor playing field and running track for our 900+ kindergarten through eighth grade students –became reality in 2014 when an ambitious group of parents organized to complete the schoolyard improvements begun in 2008. Visit the campaign website for more information:

Outdoor Classroom (2008-2009 | $300,000+)

In 2008, the Curley K-8 was the recipient of a $300,000 grant from the Boston Schoolyard Initiative (BSI) to design and build an improved schoolyard and an outdoor classroom for all our students. Parents, teachers and administrators worked with an architect to design a creative and beautiful outdoor learning space which opened in October 2009. A new mural was added in the summer of 2010.  The organizing committee organized semi-annual community clean-ups and general improvement projects (planting, painting, etc.) both outside and inside the school, often leveraging community and corporate volunteers.

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