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Latest Past Events
Dance Showcase
Curley K-8 (Upper School) 493 Centre St., Jamaica PlainPlease join us for the upcoming Dance Showcase! We are also seeking volunteers to support the show. Your help is very much appreciated so please sign up here if you can: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1siAv_sl6TEFbzqN_VLxwa-LF1UDi41_eKcf9nFMVu9k/edit
Curley Spring Art Show
Please join us for the upcoming Curley Art Show! We are also seeking volunteers to support the show. Your help is very much appreciated so please sign up here if you can: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1siAv_sl6TEFbzqN_VLxwa-LF1UDi41_eKcf9nFMVu9k/editÂ
School Parent Council Meeting
Please join us for the monthly School Parent Council meeting. Zoom link here: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/93773133391?pwd=emZ6QUlrU3ByUjBqQmhQOVh4NU1GUT09