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These forms are required for your student:

Physical Forms
If your child has had a recent physical, please send a copy into school with your child so we may update their records. You may also fax this information to 617-635-8244 or email it to or

Medication Authorization
Please keep in mind that if your child will require medication in school for the school year, we will need updated medication orders.

  • Students requiring asthma medication in school must have an updated Asthma Action Plan (provided by your Doctor).
  • Students with Life Threatening Allergies must have an updated Allergy Action Plan. This is especially important for children with food allergies as we will need to communicate this information with BPS Nutrition.

Medication used by children in school must be accompanied by a doctor’s order or plan and the medication must in it’s original packaging with proper labeling and unexpired. All students receiving medications in school should also have an up to date physical on file in school.




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